What type of auto insurance do I need in Oklahoma?

Owning a car in the Tulsa, OK area is a good idea for many people. If you are looking to buy a car when you are here, it would be ideal to also get insurance for it as it is both a requirement and a good investment. There are various factors to understand when trying to assess your auto coverage needs here. 

State Requirements

A factor that you need to think about when you are looking for auto insurance in Oklahoma is the minimum state requirement. This state requires 25/50/25 when it comes to liability insurance. This means you need the minimum standard of $25,000 in liability coverage for bodily injury with a $50,000 cap for each accident. You also need $25,000 for property damage coverage, which will cover damage to a vehicle or other assets impacted by the accident. 

Lender Requirements

You should also spend time considering auto insurance requirements set by your lender. It is very common for auto lenders to require you to carry auto insurance as it protects their collateral. Most of the time, this will mean having a full comprehensive insurance plan in place at all times. This way, you will be able to repay the loan or replace the car if it is stolen or suffers considerable damage. 

Reach Out To Us

Building an auto insurance policy is a big decision for those who are in the Tulsa, OK area. If you are looking for this type of insurance here, you can call our team with Alan Farley Insurance LLC. Our professionals with Alan Farley Insurance LLC will offer the help that you need to create a new plan. This can help ensure you have coverage that meets your needs and offers the right type and level of protection.